

This year, Policy@Manchester has built on its success as a cross disciplinary policy engagement institute at The University of Manchester; working in partnership with international, national and regional networks to address key evidence gaps and pressing policy problems.


Policy@Manchester Co-Directors

Professor Francesca Gains and Professor Anna Scaife

The last 12 months have been a time of huge political turmoil with a degree of Parliamentary and policy making stasis as the Brexit deliberations inexorably led up to the current election prorogation period.  It has been a time of change for the team too as the new strategy approved at our board last year has informed Policy@Manchester’s development, plans and activities.

Our strategy aimed to consolidate on the University-wide reach of the team’s policy engagement activities supporting research impact policy engagement with a move to a central base and core funding. 

We also wanted to orientate the teams work more closely with the University’s research agendas and infrastructure to help build impact into new funding proposals and interdisciplinary thought leadership supporting the University’s research beacons.

We have expanded our internal and external networks.  Over the last year the Co-Directors have met with many internal institute and research leaders.  Externally we have strengthened relationships with the Cabinet Office and have developed regular meetings with GMCA and hosted round tables to support the development of local industrial strategies.  Following a very successful event supporting the visit of the UN High Commissioner around the cohesion agenda we supported the University’s application to become partners in the UN Academic Impact Network.   

We have continued to offer policy engagement training to new staff and Early Career Researchers and operate a faculty based presence so researchers can drop in for consultations.  In addition we have supported blogging opportunities and developed our work to curate thought leadership with publications around “On Gender ‘and ‘On Materials’, both agendas where there is an emerging policy development set to move into a legislative phase over the next cycle.

The work we are able to do in influencing and challenging policy makers with robust research-informed evidence and ideas reflects of course the incredible research work taking place across the three Faculties at The University of Manchester.  But the ‘value added’ of our contribution flows from the ability to be both embedded – close to researchers and the research infrastructure – but also agile, able to spot and create opportunities quickly and responsively where necessary.

As we move into 2020 the Strategy will continue to inform the work of the team as we look to support the policy engagement work of the University’s world leading researchers helping to take their policy relevant insights and messages over the next four years and beyond. 

Anna and Francesca

Our Team

Anna Scaife is Professor of Radio Astronomy in the School of Physics and Astronomy, and Head of the Interferometry Centre of Excellence at the Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics. Anna is developing and delivering our strategy to increase academic engagement in policy development in the UK and internationally.

Francesca Gains, is Professor of Public Policy. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, on the editorial board of the Journal of Public Policy, Local Government Studies and the International Review of Administrative Sciences. Her research explores the relationship between political management arrangements and policy outcomes.

Tanya Graham is Head of Communications and Engagement. She has a strong background of communications in the political arena, including as a Communications Manager for an MP. She has initiated and led campaigns involving multiple stakeholders to effect positive change within communities.

Alexis is our Communications and Engagement Manager (currently on secondment to the Northern Powerhouse Partnership). She has several years’ experience of working in PR and Public Affairs, where she devised and implemented integrated media and political engagement strategies for third-sector organisations, international brands and publically listed companies.

Chris is our Communications and Engagement Manager. He joined the team from the charity Sense about Science where he campaigned for libel reform, clinical trial transparency, evidence-based policymaking and coordinated the international John Maddox Prize.

Terri joined the team as Communications and Engagement Officer after completing an MA in Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies. During her master’s degree she researched women’s political history and studied the gendered impacts of current Canadian policies. Terri is our primary contact for the Faculty of Humanities.

Craig joined the team as a Communications and Engagement Officer from the Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors, having worked for three MPs, project-managed for the Local Government Association and worked for the Department for Work and Pensions. Craig is our primary contact for the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, and is nearing completion of his PhD in political theory.

Maddie is our Communications and Engagement Officer. She has a range of parliamentary and government experience including working for MPs in Westminster and also in the Ministerial Office of a Senior Cabinet Minister. Maddie is our primary contact for the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

Laura is our Events and Projects Co-ordinator, an experienced administrator who supports the Policy@Manchester team. After starting her career working with local Councillors and assisting with their casework she moved to the HE sector in 2014. Since then she has been involved in the organisation of a wide range of events from international academic conferences to business breakfasts.

Shakti joined the team on secondment from Cabinet Office where she is in her final year of the Science and Engineering Fast Stream Leadership Programme. A technical specialist, Shakti has worked in varied roles across Government including national security science, technology strategy and organisational change. Prior, Shakti worked as an Aerospace Engineer in European R&D. Shakti is fascinated by the interface between academia and policymakers and has particular interest in science diplomacy.

Hannah is our Communications and Engagement Intern. Hannah is a first class University of Manchester graduate with a strong interest in the wider political arena. Hannah has experience in digital communications. She has worked as a research assistant for the Argentine Network for International Cooperation in Buenos Aires and as a translator for an NGO in Madrid.


Northern Powerhouse Partnership

Alexis Darby, Communications and Engagement Manager,  joined the Northern Powerhouse in July 2019 on secondment to help support their activities and to cover maternity leave within the Partnership.  This relationship is an exciting development and shows the extent of our partnership working with stakeholders.  This secondment will strengthen our relationship, broaden our stakeholder engagement and lead to further collaboration in the future with the Northern Powerhouse and around the devolution agenda. 

Civil Services Fast Stream Secondment

At the beginning of October Shakti Patel joined the team on secondment from Cabinet Office where she is in her final year of the Science and Engineering Fast Stream Leadership Programme. A technical specialist, Shakti has worked in varied roles across Government including national security science, technology strategy and organisational change. Prior to this  Shakti worked as an Aerospace Engineer in European R&D. This is a real opportunity to strengthen our relationship and networks within the Civil Service and we will be supporting Shakti over the next six months to develop her knowledge of partnership working and to meet  her programme objectives, whilst Shakti contributes to the objective of the team, concentrating on Research led impact and highlighting further opportunities for collaboration between the team and Civil Service

Supporting Future Talent

Q Step Programme

In August the team were joined by Rachel Cooper for 6 weeks, a policy and data analyst student at the University where we collaborated with Dr Jackie Carter to facilitate a placement through the Q-Step scheme.  This was a great opportunity both for Rachel and Policy@Manchester.  Rachel concentrated on creating a data set on statistics around Gender focusing on impact that the team were working on. She examined the different levels of contribution made by men and women to Parliamentary Select Committees and Greater Manchester Scrutiny Committees using statistical data analysis and online records.

Rachel presented to the team at the end of her programme and produced a very impressive body of work.  This is certainly something that we would wish to see as a regular fixture with Policy@Manchester.


In January we were joined by Hannah Murray a graduate of the University as part of the intern programme run by the careers service.  Hannah has been a real asset to the team working across the breadth of work that Policy@Manchester has undertaken.  The aim was to give Hannah as much exposure to different skills and roles within the team, she accepted all challenges with enthusiasm and her contributions to the team have been extremely valuable.  I am delighted to say that Hannah is now taking on a full time role within the Humanities Communications team and we wish her every success.

"My time with Policy@Manchester has been hugely valuable. I have been involved in a wide range of projects; developing my skills, knowledge and confidence within the fields of communications and policy. Thank you to the team for all of your support."
Hannah Murray


On gender

At Party Conference we launched On Gender, a publication which aims to identify what we know – and what we need to know – about gender inequality in tackling the big policy agendas devolved to Greater Manchester and other areas with devolution deals.

This publication has been incredibly well received. In the first month the publication formed the basis for two panels and interest has been shown by a number of devolved authorities and stakeholders including the Fawcett Society, Federation of Small Businesses and the Northern Powerhouse. In addition there is currently conversation with the Cabinet Office and further work continues with the GMCA. Policy@Manchester looks forward to developing this activity over the next few months.

On Materials

Launched in June, On Materials is a collection of policy recommendations aimed at the advanced materials community in Greater Manchester and across the UK.

The publication was launched alongside the opening of the Future Biomanufacturing Research Hub at the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology.

The publication has been taken to numerous conferences supported by the Beacons and was handed to Chi Onwurah MP, Shadow Minister for Industrial Strategy, Science and Innovation, and Andrea Leadsom MP, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

In October, The New Statesman published two pieces by James Baker in its Manufacturing Spotlight. Both articles draw upon the research discussed in On Materials, and the banner was the facsimile of the publication.

Evidence Week

Aimed at highlighting the importance of evidence to Parliamentarians, Evidence Week is an initiative of the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, the House of Commons Science and Technology select committee and the charity Sense about Science.

Academics from Tyndall Manchester and the Britain Breathing project hosted two ‘evidence pods’ in the House of Commons.

21 Parliamentarians, 5 MP researchers, staff from three different select committees and a number of other interested civil servants from different departments dropped by the stand to meet with our academics to find out more.

Tony Lloyd MP recently followed this Parliamentary briefing with a visit to meet with Prof. Sheena Cruickshank and the Britain Breathing labs at the University.

As a result of their conversations at the event Tyndall Manchester are in discussion with politicians in both Scotland and Wales with regard to the use of the online carbon calculator after initial conversations at Evidence Week

Party Conference

Policy@Manchester delivered a full programme of events at both the Labour Conference in Brighton and the Conservative Conference in Manchester.

This was a hugely successful campaign in what was a particularly challenging period of uncertainty and an unstable political climate, emphasised by the Supreme Court ruling during the Labour Conference resulting in the re-call of parliament during conference Season.

Themes of panels run in both Brighton and Manchester were around immigration, climate change, young people’s mental health and gender equality.

In Manchester there was the opportunity to run a further two events. A panel on the UK2070 commission with Lord Kerslake, Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham, Cllr Judith Blake CBE and Prof. Andrew Westwood and a drop in showcase event with UoM academics highlighting a range of different research, enabling constructive conversation around these areas of focus and bespoke engagement for stakeholders.

Internal Training

During 2019 over 200 academics have attended either a formal training course or an induction to Policy@Manchester.

These sessions provide guidance for academics wishing to develop policy engagement around their research and also act as an introduction to the wide range of support that Policy@Manchester can offer.

Updated Website

In Spring 2019, following consultation,  Policy@Manchester updated its website.  The new look has enabled clear signposting to core activities and easy access to publications and blogs for both external and internal parties.


Blogs continue to be an excellent engagement tool for Policy@Manchester and we have and continue to welcome contributions from academics across the university. With 50 blogs published during the year involving over 60 academic authors from right across the University, the site continues to enjoy above industry averages for views and time spent reading outputs.

Blog articles have been used as a route into policy making teams within the TUC, the Behavioural Insights Team, All Party Parliamentary Groups on Water, Net Zero and Loneliness, as well as various UK Government departments.


Policy@Manchester launched their newsletter in January 2019, with the aim of sending regular updates to both internal and external stakeholders.

The newsletter engages primarily with stakeholders and has enabled Policy@Manchester to increase interactions around academics and UoM research. Prof Miguel Martinez Lucio's blog attracted over 174 individual views. With an 11% increase in subscribers over the course of the year, updates on the activities of Policy@Manchester are sent to over 2000 people every week.

Some highlights you may have missed in 2019

15 January

Stellar astronomical prizes for one of our co-directors

Professor Scaife received the prize for being “a world leader” in radio astronomy and leading on numerous international projects for the new generation of large radio telescopes.

22 January

BEIS inquiry into the future of audit

Professor Christopher Humphrey, from the Alliance Manchester Business School, gave oral evidence to the House of Commons Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee as part of their future of audit inquiry

5 February

Evidence Session: Export Finance

Professor Kevin Anderson from The University of Manchester appeared before the Environmental Audit Committee as part of its inquiry into the scale and impact of UK Export Finance’s financing of fossil fuels in developing countries.

12 February

Maximising Research Impact with the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology 

‘If you are based at Manchester you are very lucky as you have Policy@Manchester" - Naomi Saint, Knowledge Exchange Manager at POST

19 February

Translation Manchester Network Launch

Policy@Manchester were one of twenty exhibitors present at the launch of Translation Manchester.

26 February

Prof Anna Scaife at AAAS: The Digital Agenda – Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals

The event was for leading scientists, educators and policymakers to discuss cutting-edge developments in science, technology, and policy.

27 February

POST visit Manchester's Proton Beam Therapy Centre  

Policy@Manchester arranged a multi-site, multi-interview day in Manchester for Lucy Irvine, Research Fellow at the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST).

Her visit here contributed to the POSTnote briefing on 'Advances in Cancer Treatment', which was published on Thursday, 11 April

2 April

NHS Long-term Plan: legislative proposals inquiry

Kath Checkland, Professor of Health Policy and Primary Care, gave evidence in an inquiry into the Government's NHS Long-term Plan.

9 April

Policy@Manchester is delighted to have been shortlisted for the Educate North Awards

Awarded for two recent publications which offer expert insight from leading professionals and academics at The University of Manchester.

16 April

Institute for Government report: "How academia can work with government"

A Policy@Manchester report "What does Whitehall want from academics?" is cited in its discussion of how universities can better support policy engagement

30 April

Work and Inequalities Institute gives evidence at BEIS inquiry

The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee held an inquiry into automation and the future of work, looking at the potential impact this may have on UK businesses and productivity, growth and reindustrialisation.

14 May

Making a Difference Awards 2019

Craig was awarded for a highly successful awareness campaign on Lynch Syndrome, which highlighted the need for women diagnosed with womb cancer to be screened for the disorder, to inform treatment and improve outcomes.

22 May

Recognising our citizens’ many languages event at the House of Commons

University researchers, teachers and leading politicians came together at the House of Commons to call on policymakers to develop a comprehensive policy that recognises the UK as a multilingual society, and to ensure that provisions are made to protect the languages of all citizens.

4 June

Evidence Week

Evidence Week brought together MPs, peers, parliamentary services and people from all walks of life across the UK to talk about why evidence matters.

11 June

Creative research methods: one day training course for civil servants and government analysts

Policy@Manchester held a session on engaging with stakeholders at a course on alternative approaches to data collection and dissemination.

13 June

Launch of the Future Biomanufacturing Research Hub

Policy@Manchester provided support for the launch at the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology and provided copies of On Materials

18 June

Peterloo Now: The gaps in representation 

Professor Francesca Gains, Academic Co-Director of Policy@Manchester, sat on a panel which explored representation and how to ensure the voices in politics reflect our society.

25 June

Clean Air Day Podcasts

We spoke to two experts from The University of Manchester about air quality. Packed full of policy recommendations, the podcasts offer expert insight on how to measure, mitigate and tackle air pollution.

24 September

'Graphenes-ready' for the materials revolution

James Bakers' On Materials blogs featured in the New Statesman's Manufacturing Spotlight.

24 September

Briefing note: Sunlight exposure and vitamin D

We published a briefing note on how balanced public health advice for sunlight exposure could ensure adequate vitamin D for most people, while minimising the risks of sunburn and cancer.

24 September

Net zero government inquiry

 Dr Chris Jones, Tyndall Manchester, gave evidence at an inquiry by the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee: Net Zero Government.

September and October

Labour and Conservative Party Conferences

25 October

Tony Lloyd MP

Following on from the Britain Breathing ‘evidence pod’ at Evidence Week, Tony met with Professor Sheena Cruickshank and Dr Caroline Jay to discuss the Britain Breathing app that allows members of the public to record and track allergy and air quality-related health symptoms. Tony also met Professor Hugh Coe, and learned more about the work going on at the National Centre for Atmospheric Science's laboratory here at The University of Manchester.

29 October

Anna Scaife announced as Turing AI Fellow

Professor Anna Scaife, a senior research scientist at Jodrell Bank and Co-Director of Policy@Manchester, has been awarded a five-year Fellowship to support her work in astrophysics.


6 November

Getting Women's Voices Into Policymaking Workshop

The team supported an event organised by Co-Director Francesca Gains

Contact us

Contact us by email, telephone or through one of our social media channels.

Email: policy@manchester.ac.uk

Tel: +44 (0) 161 306 4298

Social media channels:

Twitter: @UoMPolicy
LinkedIn: Policy@Manchester
Soundcloud: policy-manchester

View our blogs: http://blog.policy.manchester.ac.uk/